Oct 2007 Race Report : Boo Scoot 5K, 10K and Jr. 1K

A more comprehensive report will be in the next newsletter.  Click here for more race pictures.

The pictures below can be ordered as 4"x6" prints for just a dollar for our charity drives. Email photos @ PlanoPacers . org  (Specify bib or which picture and ORP0 for this page).

The full moon was still up on a clear and a bit chilly morning perfect for a good race. 

 And off they go! (At exactly 8:03:56 am)
First runner back in 17:51 was Tommy Smith.  Linda Kelly's 21:38 broke another age-group record, lowering the 55-59 record set by Marylyn Patrick back in May of 1999.  That's four consecutive months that Linda has broken or tied a record set by Marylyn.  John Nance has not missed a single Pacer race this year and has a big lead in the 1st Annual Participation Awards contest. 
Overall Female Winners: Monica Gharis won the 5K and Julie Wall won the 10K.
Frances McKissick and Marylyn Patrick were the Masters and Seniors winners in the 10K respectively.
Kenny Gardner was the 5K Senior winner and Nancy Cole got the Women's 5K Senior trophy.
The kids had a good time.  Special treats were given to the Kid's K finishers.  The girl scouts also did a great job decorating the place for a Halloween theme.
Finishers of Pacer races don't have to wait for results.  The monitor displays finishing times as well as age-group placings of each finisher within seconds of their finish.  We just ask that the runners go thru the finish line chute in their order of finish and verify their info. 
In the background, there is a table full and cart full of food items brought in by the runners.  Remember the Toy Drive for the November race.